All Services
Auto Repair Services
Our auto mechanics are detail oriented and precise in diagnosing and fixing your car right the first time.
Fleet Service
No matter the type of vehicle or the size of your fleet, the experts at Faulkenburg Automotive can provide service to most fleet vehicles.
Preventative Maintenance
Inspections, repairs and maintenance help prevent small problems from becoming larger ones, which in the end helps your bottom line.
Steering & Suspension
Oil & Filters
An important part of routine car maintenance is changing the oil regularly. The necessary frequency of oil changes has become a point of contention …
Brake Service & Repair
Brakes are pretty much the most important safety device on your car. If you’ve ever partially lost your brakes in the past, you’ll agree that it’s not something …
Tires & Services
Improve your vehicle’s handling, increase tire life and drive with safety by checking your tires every month to ensure that they are inflated with …