Auto Repair Services

Our auto mechanics are detail-oriented and precise in diagnosing and fixing your car right the first time.

A red background with an image of a truck.

Fleet Service

No matter the type of vehicle or the size of your fleet, the experts at Faulkenburg Automotive can provide service to most fleet vehicles.

A red and white icon of a wrench, gear and hand.

Preventative Maintenance

Inspections, repairs, and maintenance help prevent small problems from becoming larger ones, which in the end helps your bottom line.

A red background with white lines and a tire.

Steering & Suspension

When your fleet vehicle does not steer correctly, it can make driving more difficult, and it can negatively affect other components of the vehicle …

A red background with an oil can and a drop of oil.

Oil & Filters

An important part of routine car maintenance is changing the oil regularly. The necessary frequency of oil changes has become a point of contention …

A red background with a white line drawing of brake disc.

Brake Service & Repair

Brakes are pretty much the most important safety device in your car. If you’ve ever partially lost your brakes in the past, you’ll agree that it’s not something …

A red background with a tire and wheel on it.

Tires & Services

Improve your vehicle’s handling, increase tire life, and drive with safety by checking your tires every month to ensure that they are inflated with …

A red and black logo for the company aspen.